Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ossorio and Collage

The "Pollock, Ossorio, and Dubuffet" exhibit at the Phillips Collection earlier this year was my first exposure to Alfonso Ossorio. Reading more about his work, I learned that he moved from the intricate works of ink/wax/watercolor/gouache with cuts in the paper, which were very engaging, to collages which he called "congregations." According to Ossorio in his 1968 interview for the Smithsonian's Archives of American Art, these works were made of "materials as disparate as possible." The "Fat and Thin" image referenced below is a good example, including oil, shell, sand, colored glass, feathers, chain, rope, wood, bone, and plastic and fabric on panels. Ossorio said, "One must change the rules of the medium as far as necessary to express what one wants."

Fat and thin by Alfonso Ossorio on artnet: View the auction lot, Fat and thin, by Alfonso Ossorio on artnet. Find artwork details or browse more lots by Alfonso Ossorio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun to see Ossorio in the beach photos with his fellow Easthampton artists.